In other words, the Pygmalion effect is a phenomenon in which with grater expectation placed on students, children or employees, you will get a better performance from them. This Effect may be seen in any place at any moment in a work ambient, scholar ambient or even at home. Using the Pygmalion effect managers and anyone in charge of personnel management can create better employees, just bringing them confidence. That is simply to say that potential creates potential.

In order to explain in a better way this topic I will took an investigation madeby Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson. This was a classic experiment made with elementary school children from 18 classrooms, in which they randomly chose 20% of the children from each room and told the teachers they were geniuses. Naturally and showingthe Pygmalion effect those children were the best of the best. As the research shows “The children, performed admirably, gaining an average of two IQ points in verbal ability, seven points in reasoning and four points in over all IQ.” (Rosenthal & Jacobson 1992).
At the end of the experiment the teachers were informed that those students were not genius, and that they were selected in the same way that teachers were selected, randomly.
In this video you will find a brief explanation of what is this effect about and a simple and useful example that will illustrate better the idea.
Envision Software, Incorporated Tampa, Florida. Disponible[Online]
Sehgal, A. The Pygmalion Effect - Belief in potential creates potential. 2009. Disponible [Online]
Machaalani, M. The Pygamlion Effect. 2005. Disponible[Online]
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