martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Looking for a constructive critique to our classmates here I post me five comments to others blogs:

- Valentina Valencia BLog. Click HERE

hello Velentina ,

I love the way you explain the effect. Based on historical grounds it is easier to understand any theory. The example is great, so creative and moving. Those who have seen the movie certainly understand clearly how the effect is applied there. The encouragement of a child does bring up any parent.
I believe that relating this movie with the theory of which we spoke was very creative.
I recommend you take a look at my blog, you will find a vidio that clearly illustrates this effect.
- Natalia Toro Blog: Click HERE

Hello Natalia,

Great example, Pygamlion effect as a way to get what you expect is explained clearly with your example. In other blogs, including mine I have read a lot of examples using kids and teachers. With your post it is shown that this effect, when used properly, can produce excellent results within organizations. As the Ritz Carlton Hotel did, many other organizations should follow the example and use this kind of practice among workers especially those in positions related with customer service.

- Juliana martinez Blog: Click HERE
Hi Juliana,

I really enjoy your blog. I liked the example you used because it is very similar to the example that I use for my blog (which among other things I recommend you visit) I can not believe that the academic development of children can be affected that much by factors that could be considered as arbitrary for anyone.
The part I liked most of the post is the definition of four key factors exposed by Rosenthal. Those drivers of the pygamalion effect, give us great tools that are very useful in order to understand the way pygamlion effect works.
-Nicolas Arrazola Chalid Blog: Click HERE
Hello Nicolas,

The explanation of the effect is very clear, However, I think that the example you use is one of the best that I have read, after having developed a number of investigations on this subject, even I can not believe how important incentives are for a human beings.
I believe that we as future managers must learn to apply the Pygmalion effect within the organizations.

- Juan Camilos Vanegas Blog: Click HERE
Hello Juan,
I enjoyed visiting all the blogs that you recommend, I find it a very productive exercise to set aside personal interests and leave open the possibility that those who follow you or the readers of your posts, can also enjoy the knowledge exposed by others.
Of your recommendations my favorite was the fist one. EcoPlaneta, it talks about climate change, a subject we all should care. I will begin using that blog a lot beacuse I am developing a research of green practices among colombian companies. Thanks for the information.

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